Saturday, June 13, 2009

Pray for Independence Day

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Ø To promote individual prayer for our nation’s current and future condition.
Ø To begin a grassroots network of prayerful Christians who are interested in returning the United States to its foundational principles:
1. Independence
2. Liberty
3. Moral character.


Ø Promotes the value of each individual’s prayer.
Ø Acknowledges the need for each Christian to seek God’s will and guidance.
Ø Non-denominational, involving any Christian congregation.
1. The idea is to involve all Christian denominations.
Ø Differs from National Day of Prayer, Meet at the Pole Day, or similar events.
1. These worthwhile events are group oriented.
2. Pray for Independence Day is a personal event.
3. It makes a public statement of our Christian faith.
4. It makes a public statement of our Christian national heritage on a most appropriate day.


Ø Churches should open their doors from 9:00AM until 12 Noon on Independence Day (any time is fine).
Ø Place a register in vestibule for attendees to sign at their discretion.
Ø Volunteers or staff will open the church during the prayer time
1. Preferably volunteers in three 1-hour shifts.
2. Ease the burden on church staff.
Ø No script, talking points, or political ideology is promoted.
Ø Ask God to renew America’s desire for independence.
Ø Seek the spirit of freedom that He granted to our Founding Fathers.

Event Outreach and Promotion:

Ø Via denominational associations and organizations
1. County, state, national levels
Ø Internet:
1. Website is established:
2. Use of personal blogs, websites, Facebook, MySpace and email
Ø Press releases to print and broadcast outlets.
1. Both secular and Christian oriented.
Ø Simple word of mouth.

Ultimate Goal:

Ø Have every Christian church in the US open for prayer on Independence Day.
Ø For Christians to fill those churches.
Ø Focus Christians on the need to overcome our timidity and apathy.
Ø Reaffirm that earthly independence rests with dependence on God. I think our Founders recognized this truth.

About me:
Ø Anthony W. Hager, age 44, married, two children, living in Stanley, NC.
Ø Member of Alexis Baptist Church in Alexis, NC.
Ø Writer and publisher of and The Right Slant blog.
Ø Published in the Gaston Gazette, Elkin Tribune, Lincoln Times-News, Shelby Star, and other web and print publications.
Ø My goal is to open the doors of every Christian church on Independence Day for personal prayer and to prove that we are a Christian nation.
Ø I presented this idea to the missions committee at Alexis Baptist and to the church on the committee’s behalf. Alexis Baptist will participate in Pray for Independence Day.

Contact information:
Ø Mail: PO Box 112, Alexis, NC 28006
Ø Email:

Please share this information with the churches in the association. I will also make myself available to any pastor or church leader concerning Pray for Independence Day, or to present the idea to the church body if possible. I am also open to suggestions. If you have ideas on how to implement this event or how to spread the word please feel free to contact me at once.

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